Christiane Léaud, La Somnambule, 2021
CA$300 - CA$500
Timed Auction
TRAIT D’UNION 2024 - L’encan-bénéfice du FIFA // TRAIT D'UNION 2024 - The FIFA benefit auction
Christiane Léaud
70 x 50 cm / 27,6 x 19,7 in
Christiane Léaud a parcouru trois continents, de l'Afrique à l'Europe et à l'Amérique, avant de s'installer à Montréal. Ses débuts artistiques ont été marqués par la création de batiks sur soie lors de son séjour de deux ans à New York. Elle a également créé des œuvres poétiques et des collages. Son dernier projet "Futur Antérieur" combine poésie et collages dans un livre objet, accompagné d'une exposition autonome. L'exposition "Robert et moi" est une rencontre entre les lettres et les arts visuels, mettant en avant une série de plus de quarante collages.
Christiane Léaud has traveled across three continents, from Africa to Europe and America, before settling as an artist in Montreal. Her early artistic endeavors were marked by the creation of silk batiks during her two-year stay in New York. She has also crafted poetic works and collages. Her latest project, "Futur Antérieur," combines poetry and collages in an art object, accompanied by a standalone exhibition. The exhibition "Robert et moi" is an intersection of literature and visual arts, showcasing a series of over forty collages, including a dozen in large format.
Christiane Léaud has traveled across three continents, from Africa to Europe and America, before settling as an artist in Montreal. Her early artistic endeavors were marked by the creation of silk batiks during her two-year stay in New York. She has also crafted poetic works and collages. Her latest project, "Futur Antérieur," combines poetry and collages in an art object, accompanied by a standalone exhibition. The exhibition "Robert et moi" is an intersection of literature and visual arts, showcasing a series of over forty collages, including a dozen in large format.
Encadrée / Framed
Collage, technique mixte sur papier / Collage, mixed media on paper
Signée et datée au bas droite / Signed and dated lower right
Directement de l'artiste / From the artist